The theme was 'Night Time' for Bobby Chiu's competition, this is nearly ready to take to colour, so far I spent 1.5 days drafting and creating the value structure.

First assignment for Imaginism's Fundamentals course.

A quick sketch to enter a free imaginism course giveaway!

This was my final piece of coursework for the Imaginism Studio's class 'Designing with Colour & Light' run by the amazing Nathan Fowkes.

New to blogging, but thought it was time to upload some of my art. Being a full time artist  makes it difficult to find that extra time to practice, but as I have been told over and over, practice makes perfect! In my case it is the key way to improve your skill set and I will be posting as often as possible. Most of my daily colour roughs are created with my Stylus and HTC Mobile phone using the basic Sketchbook Pro. This is great to limit yourself and really think about how to methodically work on a painting, sometimes it can be challenging on the London underground tube!

Here are a collection of daily colour roughs-